Il nostro obiettivo è quello di
allevare Border Collie sani, con un’ottima predisposizione al lavoro con il
gregge e allo stesso tempo insostituibili compagni di vita.
Questi tre punti possono andare
di pari passo? Sì, con una nostra attenta selezione e, non da meno, una
corretta gestione da parte del proprietario, che potrà sempre rivolgersi a noi
per qualsiasi consiglio nella gestione e nella crescita del suo cucciolo.
Selezionare un buon cane da
lavoro richiede tempo e tanta passione. La genetica ci aiuta molto, ma non
basta. Secondo noi i riproduttori non si dovrebbero scegliere tenendo conto
soltanto dei loro pedigree e di eventuali parenti pluricampioni, ma si
dovrebbero cercare anche ‘’sul campo’’. Sapere come lavora un cane è una
prerogativa fondamentale per trovare il partner adatto a lui/lei, per decidere
se esaltare alcune sue caratteristiche o
cercare di limarne altre. Ovviamente non tutti cercano le stesse
caratteristiche in un cane da lavoro con il gregge, ma il nostro obiettivo è
quello di allevare cani docili e collaborativi, adatti anche a persone meno
Non dimentichiamo infatti che molti
dei nostri cuccioli vivranno in casa con i loro proprietari e saranno
indubbiamente anche “cani da compagnia”. Proprio per questo pensiamo che sia
importante selezionare cani equilibrati, indubbiamente vivaci, molto attivi e
dunque non adatti ad una vita sedentaria, ma anche capaci di stare un giorno
intero a dormire sul divano senza necessariamente distruggere la casa.
Una delle prime cose, o meglio
forse la prima cosa da cercare in un Border Collie come in tutte le altre
razze, è indubbiamente la salute. Salute è un termine ampio, che racchiude in
se molte cose sulle quali un buon allevatore può influire, e anche altre, sulle
quali è solo la natura a decidere. Le principali malattie ereditarie del Border
Collie si possono ‘’almeno’’ cercare di prevenire facendo fare tutti i
controlli necessari ai futuri genitori e ovviamente anche ai cuccioli.
Tutti i nostri
cani sono testati per le principali patologie congenito/ereditarie e sono
esenti sia da displasie alle anche e ai gomiti che da CEA/CH, TNS, PRA e OCD.
Our aim is to breed Border Collies which are healthy, with the best sheep
herding traits while also being the perfect life companion.
Is it possible to obtain these three elements in one dog? Yes, with our careful selection, and no less important, the right input from the owner, who can count on us for advice about the care of their new puppy as well as his or her upbringing.
Selecting a good working dog takes time, effort and passion. Genetics are an enormous help but are simply not enough. In our opinion breeding dogs should not be chosen just taking into account their pedigree and champion relations, but should also be sought 'in the field'. Understanding the dog at work is fundamental to finding a partner suited to him or her, as well as whether to optimize or to limit certain characteristics.
Obviously not everyone is looking for the same traits in a working sheepdog, and given that, our aim is to breed docile co-operative dogs also suited to the less expert.
Let's not forget that these puppies will be part of the family and of course, 'companions' too. For this reason we believe it is essential to select dogs that are well-balanced, while lively, very active and certainly not suited to a sedentary lifestyle however, happy to sleep all day on the couch without tearing the house apart!
One of the first things, or rather – the first thing to look for in a Border Collie as in all breeds, is, of course, health. Health is wide-ranging and there are aspects a good breeder can influence, while others which are up to MotherNature . The principle hereditary diseases of the Border Collie can be prevented by carrying out all the necessary checks on future parents and obviously on puppies, too.
All our dogs are tested for the principle congenital and hereditary diseases and are free from hip and elbow dysplasias as well as CEA/CH, TNS, PRA and OCD.
Is it possible to obtain these three elements in one dog? Yes, with our careful selection, and no less important, the right input from the owner, who can count on us for advice about the care of their new puppy as well as his or her upbringing.
Selecting a good working dog takes time, effort and passion. Genetics are an enormous help but are simply not enough. In our opinion breeding dogs should not be chosen just taking into account their pedigree and champion relations, but should also be sought 'in the field'. Understanding the dog at work is fundamental to finding a partner suited to him or her, as well as whether to optimize or to limit certain characteristics.
Obviously not everyone is looking for the same traits in a working sheepdog, and given that, our aim is to breed docile co-operative dogs also suited to the less expert.
Let's not forget that these puppies will be part of the family and of course, 'companions' too. For this reason we believe it is essential to select dogs that are well-balanced, while lively, very active and certainly not suited to a sedentary lifestyle however, happy to sleep all day on the couch without tearing the house apart!
One of the first things, or rather – the first thing to look for in a Border Collie as in all breeds, is, of course, health. Health is wide-ranging and there are aspects a good breeder can influence, while others which are up to MotherNature . The principle hereditary diseases of the Border Collie can be prevented by carrying out all the necessary checks on future parents and obviously on puppies, too.
All our dogs are tested for the principle congenital and hereditary diseases and are free from hip and elbow dysplasias as well as CEA/CH, TNS, PRA and OCD.
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